We are passionate about your success. And our commitment to you pushes us to provide an in-person offering focused on quick delivery of practical tools in a community setting: LUNCH & LEAD! We believe that every time you come, you will leave more energized and more equipped to do the important work you are bringing to the world.

Come—and bring a friend. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Lunch & Lead offers thoughtfully curated workshops that provide practical, immediately implementable insights. With a diverse lineup of speakers, attendees benefit from a wide range of perspectives and have the opportunity to connect with fellow leadership enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant growth-focused network. I regularly add these sessions to my schedule!
Ashleigh S.
Director, US Accountant Sales | Intuit

2024-2025 LUNCH & LEAD MENU

Click on each workshop below for more info

Leaders often live in the urgent, and as a result, find themselves acting without an understanding of their purpose. They maintain productivity yet the journey becomes less joyful. Identifying the values driving our actions connects us to our “why”. We find energy to mobilize our strengths and commitment to create more intentional actions. Come explore what is driving you and design next steps full of meaning!

Led by: JANIECE ROBINSON (Co-Founder, Public Speaking Coach)

People everywhere are asking for better communication in the workplace. Yet effective
communication seems like an elusive target. Leaders can close this gap by utilizing “scripts” to
increase clarity and consistency. When deployed well, this tool can reach beyond clarity to
create both confidence and impact. Come practice creating a script and learn how to tailor this
tool to a variety of scenarios and audiences.

Led by: ANALEISA LATHAM (Leadership Coach)

“Leadership is lonely” is a common experience at all levels of an organization, and feelings of
isolation can lead to doubt and discouragement. The truth, however, is that no leader can stand
alone. Having a community is a vital component of success. Join this workshop to learn more
about the power of community and gain a tool that helps you inventory, appreciate and grow
your own group of companions.

Led by: RUSS DAVIS (Leadership Coach)

All leaders have go-to ways of creating their successes. As a result, we naturally develop
patterns of preferencing our favorite strengths. Too much of a good thing, however, can become
an exhausting thing. To break this familiar rhythm, we need to turn to our underutilized
strengths, or our “polarities”. Come create your own polarity map and leave with encouraging
strategies to stay above the burnout in the new year!

Led by: ROSS ROBINSON (Co-Founder, Leadership Coach)

Leadership isn’t all about individual leaders and their capabilities. Leadership is a social process
that enables individuals to collaborate and work toward results they could never achieve
working alone. The magic happens as leaders create Direction, Alignment, Commitment (DAC).
Come learn how to apply the DAC framework to your specific group and develop actions to
improve team outcomes through elevating your own leadership effectiveness.

Led by: GARRETT STERN (Executive Director, Leadership & Professional Education) Furman University

Many leaders work hard to prepare the content of their communications. Few stop to think
about how their body language may disrupt or confuse the clarity of their listeners. Research
consistently shows more than 50% of the message is delivered through body language –
posture, gestures, eye contact, and more. Nonverbal signals give important clues about what we
think and feel while speaking. Come learn body language strategies for confident, authentic

Led by: JANIECE ROBINSON (Co-Founder, Public Speaking Coach)

Current research shows trust is in decline. More people are less likely to have confidence in
their coworkers and their leaders. One way leaders can effectively counter this trend is to
develop the skill of identifying what drives individual team members. Understanding internal
motivations can create more external trust, resulting in higher levels of engagement and more
willingness to be held accountable to team goals. Come learn a tool for growing trust by
uncovering what motivates the people you lead.

Led by: ANALEISA LATHAM (Leadership Coach)

Studies show that people tend to have a bias toward negative information. Simply put, our
attention moves more naturally toward what is wrong in a situation. We see what isn’t going
well or what needs to be fixed, especially when it comes to ourselves. This workshop
encourages you to notice what’s right in a situation and helps you more intentionally find what
is right with you. Join us as we discover a framework to lead from the goodness that comes
from inside.

Led by: TOYA MOORE (Owner) Nprogress Consulting

Many leaders find themselves constantly reacting to the latest iterations of just about
everything. Before we see visible change, however, something is already shifting. Leaders who
can notice this movement early are poised to proactively choose what they want to create for
themselves and their organizations. Join this workshop to practice more fully discerning the
present as a path to designing positive steps into the future.

Led by: ROSS ROBINSON (Co-Founder, Leadership Coach)

2023-2024 LUNCH & LEAD MENU

Click on each workshop below for more info

Unproductive communication patterns pepper the landscape of our daily lives. Rather than coming together to problem solve, people create offense and take offense, and feel justified in placing blame on others. Come discover the rubric of The Four Communication Styles and leave ready to grow your leadership impact through more intentional verbal and written connection—and to disrupt the disruptors in a way that wins over your team!


Close to 70% of men and women claim to have struggled with imposter phenomenon at some point in their careers. This common leadership hurdle fuels self-doubt and erodes confidence. Come learn to identify and conquer imposter phenomenon through practical mindfulness techniques that enhance self-awareness, build resilience, and enable you to embrace your true potential as a confident and authentic leader by unmasking the true person within!

Led by: DR. ANGIE CARTER (Special Guest Speaker)

Far too many workplaces are characterized by conversations about what people are not doing well, and far too few employees are consistently utilizing their strengths. Gallup’s research, however, highlights that leaders of high performing teams are creating success through a strengths-based approach. Come learn how to design a Strengths Strategy for yourself and your team—and experience a boost in both morale and outcomes as a result!


Every meeting, presentation and conversation is colored by the way we start and the way we end—and this is where many leaders struggle. Exerting effort to ensure the content is solid, we ignore the introduction and conclusion due to time constraints or untapped creativity, settling for “Today I would like to talk about…” and “That’s all I have. Thank you.” Come learn strategic tools to bookend your content—and take your communication to the next level!

Led by: REBECCA FERGUSON (Special Guest Speaker)

Interpersonal relationships are a gift, and they can be tricky! Often the difference maker is our ability to process someone else’s Point Of View. Imagine the productive possibilities if we had the skill to step into someone else’s shoes, see what they see, hear what they hear, and feel what they feel. In this perspective-shifting workshop, you will learn perceptual positioning and expand your ability to show up with empathy and objectivity in a variety of complex situations.


It’s inevitable. Every leader will be called on to introduce someone, present an award, or pay tribute to honor someone else. Most times, these special occasion speeches are disorganized and draw attention to the ill-prepared speaker rather than the significant event. This workshop will teach you how to successfully deliver these little speeches with high impact—and have you believing you can rise to the occasion every time!


A leader’s world has never been more cluttered with distractions and challenges, and the ever-expanding options become hurdles in maintaining effectiveness and focus. The pressing need is for us to reconnect with purpose. When this happens, it puts fresh wind in our sails and propels us to boldly advance the mission. Come sharpen your vision and experience how this practice both empowers you and enables you to build other leaders along the way.

Led by: JULIO HERNANDEZ (Special Guest Speaker)

Perfectionism is on the rise, and many people are quick to say they experience its effects. Others who would not identify as perfectionists live with internal expectations that are difficult to meet and steal their joy. The key to less pressure and more freedom starts with knowing what we really want to achieve (which is rarely perfection!) and then charting a path toward that target. Come create your own life-giving reframe and start living it—now!


A growing body of research confirms that humans have a negative attention bias. Simply stated, we are more likely to see what is struggling than what is succeeding, including about ourselves. This transformative workshop offers a comprehensive and interactive approach, introducing the science behind affirmations and how they can impact thoughts, emotions, and leadership behaviors. This tool is sure to help cultivate a more fulfilling work/life journey!


2022-2023 LUNCH & LEAD MENU

Click below for more info.

Hearing and listening are not the same thing. Hearing is simple. Listening is complex-which is why it is a highly valued competency in leaders. Join as we learn and experience the power of listening with both accuracy and compassion. The practical application from this training will be immediate and will be transferable to a wide variety of situations where stronger listening skills can make the difference.


We have been conditioned to think that confidence comes as a result of being smart and working hard. What if confidence research says that paradigm isn’t true? What if confidence is something we can find right where we are and choose repeatedly? Strap on your brain-science seatbelt and discover how to identify confidence structures that will help you act confidently-even when you don’t feel it!


Most of us use diminishing words, and few of us realize we do. These everyday words that seem harmless on the surface are undermining our credibility over and over again. The first step is to see these little saboteurs in a new light. Once we can recognize them, we can strategize around them for a more powerful leadership presence. Come create your own plan for speaking up for yourself and your ideas with strength and ease.


So many leaders look at their schedules and instantly feel overwhelmed by meetings. Hours upon hours are spent in discussions that leave people drained and unmotivated. The reality is that we often feel we have no choice but to attend all the meetings and we don’t know what to do to make them more productive. Come learn how to plan and execute meetings that achieve both engagement and results.


We all know it is going to happen… We are going to be somewhere and someone is going to ask us what we do, and like countless other leaders we will give the standard answer of a job title and summary of role responsibilities. You are so much more than your title and the work you do-whatever it is-is contributing to a better world. Come use a creative tool to help you form an authentic and memorable answer that will have people asking for more.


Why do we often find ourselves bemoaning the lack of time to do the things we want? Time is universally described as one of the most precious commodities, yet 83% of people say they do not have a way to actually manage it. Even the mention of this topic can sound discouraging-and it doesn’t have to be that way. You will walk away from this training energized and hopeful with concrete tools to fill your time with the thing that deserve to be there. 


Feedback is absolutely necessary for improvement-and surprisingly, the primary factor influencing whether feedback helps is the feedback receiver. Come learn the tricky dynamics of inviting and receiving feedback as a leader. You will leave with a model that enables you to discern a feedback message and decide what you want to do next. As a bonus, you will also be better equipped to deliver feedback to others.


Interpersonal relationships are a gift, and they can be tricky! Often the difference maker is our ability to process someone else’s perspective. What if you had the skill to step into someone else’s shoes, see what they see, hear what they hear, and feel what they feel? In this interactive training, you will learn perceptual positioning which will expand your ability to show up with empathy and objectivity in a variety of complex situations.


How many times are people frustrated while waiting for someone else to make a decision? This all-too-common experience explains why DECISIVENESS consistently appears on the list of desired leadership competencies. Come learn a 7-Step Decision-Making Model that relieves the pressure and demystifies the process—and ultimately sets you apart as a leader who can deliver solid decisions. You are sure to use it over and over again!


Story-less communication is transactional and lifeless, lacking the vital element of human connection. Story-filled communication is transcendent and vibrant, creating lasting impressions and relationships. This workshop gives you a storytelling template and guides you in identifying stories that describe how your organization solves important issues for your clients and the world. You will leave ready to use your story as an immediate value add.