De-escalate speaking fears and boost your confidence

About this Event:

More than 75% of people are afraid of public speaking, and ironically, most people have to do it in some form. Providing internal and external presentations, facilitating meetings, introducing changes to teams and clients both virtually and in-person—all of these situations require effective speaking skills. Speakers@Work is designed to de-escalate that fear and boost confidence by providing these practical and immediately usable tools:

  • Audience Analysis—steps for assessing the needs of the hearers
  • Outlines—three basic templates to use in presenting information
  • Introductions/Conclusions—tips for opening and closing a presentation
  • PowerPoint – creating visually captivating slides that are succinct in narrative and the support the content
  • Delivery—managing nervousness and creating a stronger speaking presence

This interactive workshop is designed for everyone who wants to take the next step in their public speaking. It is a safe place to experiment and has proven effective results—and it is actually fun!


Following Speakers@Work, I was equipped to immediately practice my new presentation skills and break bad habits which definitely improved my confidence.  As a result, I have been able to build upon my own credibility as a training professional.
Ginger Cone
Human Resources Manager - North America | Takeuchi
Greenville, SC
The information provided during Speakers@Work gave me the tools I need to be a successful speaker. I was blown away by Janiece’s knowledge and expertise!
Workshop Participant

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