Our Story
After being married for more than twenty years and having a solid friendship and deep respect for each other’s professions, we stumbled upon Gallup’s Strengthsfinder Assessment. This little survey resulted in much more than a list of our Top 5 strengths. This report opened a door for us to begin to see each other in new ways. Our ability to understand and appreciate each other went to a completely different level as we diligently processed our discoveries over time. Our ability to collaborate and produce positive results was (and is) continually growing.
So in 2014 when a well-connected friend created a ridiculously ambitious itinerary merging our professions as speech consultant and leadership coach we were ready. Ready to hit the ground running in service to government officials, business executives and academic leaders in a whirlwind tour of three European countries. Ready to combine our strengths and our hearts and deliver our services in a way that illustrated the power of what we can bring together professionally. We had each been investing in leaders for years. We had each been working hard to help others deliver more and deliver better. We had each been living for causes bigger than ourselves. Now we are doing it together.